Saturday, June 8, 2013

Quick & Easy Turkey Taco Chips

Sometimes I feel frantic when dinner time rolls around...on those long days when we leave the house at 815 for pre-school drop off and don't come home until 4pm. Who wants to cook after being gone all day? Thank goodness for turkey taco chips (a weekly meal at our house). It's quick, easy, includes veggies and a meal all 4 of us enjoy (I know, sometimes I don't believe it either)!!

1lb organic ground turkey
Tortilla Chips (we use R.W. Garcia Organic Corn Tortilla Chips)
Shredded Cheese (we use 365 organic mozzarella & cheddar)
Salsa (we use Whole Foods Mango Salsa)
Simply Organic Southwest Taco seasoning
Sour Cream

Pre-heat oven to 350

This one is easy...I cook the ground turkey on stovetop, drain, add spice pack. 
Cover a cookie sheet with aluminum foil (easy clean up if nothing else)...add a layer of chips. Cover with turkey (or beef/chicken) and cheese. Place in oven for 5-7 minutes, or until cheese melts. 

Both my boys LOVE sour cream so I decided to try and mix it with avocado and salsa one night. Avocados are packed full of nutrients so it was worth a shot. They loved was such a hit that sometimes they ask for it with their Cheese Quesadillas. Score 1 point for mom!! 

I'm sure putting the rest together is easy. This meal has been perfect for our family all year long. It's not something that I ever re-heat so sometimes I do have a little to throw away but all in all it's a success in our home!

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